Boudreaux Family Tree





This Boudreaux Family started in 1911 when Lawless and Lucinda were married at the Cornerview Catholic Church






       Deceased Children Of

Lawless & Lucinda Boudreaux Sr.







              GARY BOUDREAUX

Marcus "Mac" Boudreaux


                                                 IRMA V BOUDREAUX HERNANDEZ

                                                                                AUBERT BOUDREAUX

                                                                              ALVIN J. BOUDREAUX

                                                                CALVIN J. BOUDREAUX SR.

 Roland J. Boudreaux

  Oakley J. Boudreaux


 If you have anyone has comments or questions, please email me at


Notes For Lawless and Lucinda Boudreaux

When they first moved to the "Old Place" , as we all came to call it, it was heavily wooded. Many trees and stumps were cut and hauled by mule to make way for what later became the Family's means of living, Farming. Lawless and Lucinda raised everything from corn, beans, strawberries and watermelons.

Below is an article that appeared in the February 1961 Edition of the Gonzales Weekly.

Boudreaux's Celebrate Golden Anniversary

For the third time in the past 15 months, the Boudreaux clan marked a Golden Wedding here when Mr. & Mrs. Lawless Boudreaux of Cornerview road celebrated 50 years of married life. Host at the affair which attracted some 500 neighbors and friends were the couples 13 children. And also on hand were 31 of 32 grandchildren and one great grandchild.

The celebration was held Sunday at the Boudreaux home but the anniversary is actually Wednesday. It was on another Wednesday Feb 15, in 1911, just a half century ago that Lawless, now a spry 74, claimed as his bride, Miss Lucinda LeBlanc, equally spry at 69.

Actually Golden Weddings have become a habit in the Boudreaux family. Within the pass 15 months, a sister of Boudreaux, Mrs. Alexander Poche, and a brother, Blanchard Boudreaux, and their respective spouses have each marked 50 years of married life. Mrs. Poche is the former Olphida Boudreaux. All three couples live in the Gonzales area.

Sunday's festivities drew some 500 neighbors and friends of the Boudreaux family from all sections of Ascension Parish. The Boudreaux cottage, a mile from here, was filled to overflowing. A huge wedding cake, occupied the place of honor on the dining room table and arrangements of yellow flowers were placed about the reception rooms.

The Boudreaux children , 13 strong and including two sets of twins, were all on hand and each brought a special cake. They are Mrs. Zeon Kling, the Former Eula Lee Boudreaux; Mrs. Alces Daigle, the Former Luella Boudreaux, Mrs. Wickliff Mayers, the Former Clarabel Boudreaux; Lawless Jr., Gary, Marcus,Leroy, Irma V, who is Mrs. Nelken Hernandez; Aubert and then the twins, Alvin and Calvin and Oakley and Roland.

All of the children, expect Gary and Mrs. Kling, who reside in New Orleans, live in the area. Only one Grandchild missed the affair. He is stationed in Alabama and couldn't get home.

Married at Cornerview Church in 1911 by Father Gonon. Mr & Mrs. Boudreaux have spent most of their married life in this area. They were away for seven years, when Mr. Boudreaux took a job elsewhere but soon returned to Gonzales, where all 13 children attended school. The couple operated a dairy on their farm here, but Mr. Boudreaux is now retired. Boudreaux was formerly a semi-professional baseball player and he said Sunday that all of his 13 youngsters played a pretty good game. He exhibited at the party Sunday, and advertisement of a baseball game in which he played with the Dutchtown Red Stripes in 1904, seven years before his marriage.

And for the newlyweds, the Couple had this word of advice.

"Base your marriage on understanding and cooperation and everything will work out all right"



Here are some memories From Marcus Boudreaux, a man with many memories about the early years on the farm taken from the 75 YR anniversary of Eatel.



"There are several, but I remember one of the things we planted was plenty of watermelons. We would get all these melons to the front of the property to sell, by horse and sled. One day we tied the horse to the shed while gathering the melons, and the gnats got to him. The horse wouldn't’ move, because the gnats were disturbing him so much. They were loading the melons nears a "palmetto packing shed" that was infested with gnats and mosquitoes. So we unhooked him and brought him to the house. About a half hour later, we brought the horse back and hooked the sled to him and he pulled all the melons to the front. I also remember working the fields with all my siblings and always getting along with them, and we remained that way through the years. We had nine boys in the family (and four girls), enough for a baseball team. One day we went down to the Carville Hospital and played a team formed with the patients there. It was a 10-man game played with a 17-inch indoor ball, so our cousin, Wilfred Boudreaux, came along to pitch for us. We lost by only a couple of runs and the patients really enjoyed the game."



An Interview With Marcus Boudreaux "Uncle Mac"

I had the privilege of interviewing Uncle Mac about growing up on the farm. Below are some of the many stories he told me during our three hour interview. You will be amazed of the stories he remembers; more now than many of us will remember in a lifetime. Some of these stories you may have heard before, but they will always be a treasure for me. The legacy of the Boudreaux's will always live on in the stories below, not just for me, but for generations to come. I have written these short stories in individual paragraphs. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them for you.



Stories of the "Old Days"


Daddy told me once, that when they moved into the "old place", there were ruminants of cotton, not a bail, but pieces where the dining room was. You know, back then, all the old houses in the area had cypress planks for roofing; that was a fire waiting to happen. You know, cypress is like kerosene. Any little spark would start a fire. Daddy told me they used to have to take a cane reed once or twice a year and clean out the chimney to get rid of the soot that could start a fire.


You know, the old house had no paint on it when we were kids. Hell, we didn't even know what paint was until we were out of school. It wasn't until after all of us kids finished high school that the house was first painted white. We all had jobs and we all put up a little money to buy the many gallons of paint that was needed. It took many gallons of paint because the old clap board siding soaked it up as fast as we could brush it on.


Before the side porch was added, Mama used to wash the dishes on a shelf outside of the kitchen window. When she washed clothes, all of us kids would hustle up the wood for the fire. I can still remember Mama using an old broom handle to move the clothes around, using it to lift them out of the old pot. After all the clothes were washed, we would pour the soapy water on the old peach tree. Those had to be the sweetest peaches in Gonzales. We could reach the peaches from the porch, and we used to sneak a few from the upstairs windows at night, "but don't tell Mama!"


Daddy had a cistern that collected the rainwater from the roof. That was how we got our drinking water back in those days. You know, when it was dry and dusty, the trash would run down into the cistern during a downpour. Every once in a while you would have to blow those little "wiggle-tail" flowers off the top of the glass before you could take a sip. The water was always cool. You know, these days, if you tried that, the board of health would put you in jail! I can remember when Daddy, Uncle Sam and a few others took the legs off the cistern and buried it in the ground. Uncle Sam was helping Daddy clean it out when Uncle Sam slipped on the slick grime and busted his butt. I can't remember how they dug the hole, but it had to be a huge one. I think what was happening is that the cistern was beginning to leak, so they buried it so the back fill of dirt would help stop the leaks.



We had an old box water well, maybe four foot square and about forty foot deep. It had a board attached above it with a pail attached to a rope that we would lower and raise to get water for the animals. Every now and then it had to be cleaned and dug a little deeper. I remember old Henry Nash, who worked for Daddy, who lived in the old house; which most of you kids remember as the hay barn. He had a four foot square water well also. I remember one day, a little white calf fell into the well. Daddy had to use a rope to pull the little calf out. I can remember it like it was yesterday. You know Rickie, you can take a new born calf and throw it into the water and it can swim. Here I am, eighty-eight years old, and I couldn't swim to save my life. Another thing about old Henry Nash, he always wanted to borrow a "dooler", he couldn't say dollar. He loved to drink and he drank almost every day.



Old man Dingy; who lived on the land where Harold Boudreaux used to live, would pick moss and hang it on Daddy's fence. Daddy's mules would eat the moss and pull on the fence, stretching and sometimes breaking the wire. So, one afternoon, Daddy decided to pull the moss off the fence and throw it on the ground. When Dingy saw him, he went outside and they starting arguing and then started fist fighting. Pearly, Dingy's daughter, went inside and got a piece of a bed or something and hit Daddy on the head. I'm still surprised that Daddy didn't bring his pistol with him.



Daddy had a pregnant cow named Star. One afternoon, she got bogged down in the mud out in the field. Daddy must have been working in the field with the old mules. He stopped plowing and hooked the old slide to the mules and we rolled that old cow onto it. She was heavy with calf, so Daddy wanted to bring her to the old house and hang her in a sling. As we came though the gate by the old pig pin, old Star fell off the slide again. So, once again, we rolled her back on and took her and put her in the sling. We had ropes hanging from corner to corner and from side to side. That night after supper, Daddy said he was going out to check on old Star. So out the door he went with his lantern. Before he made it to the old house, he met Star half way in the field, eating greens. I guess she didn't like the shucks Daddy left for her to eat. Later she delivered the calf and everything was lovely.



People these days don't realize; but back when, ticks were really bad. One year the Government set up a tick eradication program. They made all the farmers dip their cattle. The ticks were so bad, when you looked behind a cow's ear; it looked like grapes hanging on a vine. They had an old dip vat near the Cornerview Cemetery. Daddy and his brothers would herd the cattle down Cornerview Road. I can remember that some of the men would go ahead of the herd to keep them together. Daddy and Uncle Mann would drive them down the road. We had an old milk cow; I believe her name was Star too. She must have been named after the first cow that had the name Star as well. As Daddy was driving the cattle, Star decided she wasn't going any further, and lay down and would not move. It was right in front of where Irma V lived. Daddy caught the red-ass and went back to the house and got some old corn shucks. When he came back, he laid into that cow with those shucks. Once they started burning, she jumped up and ran to catch up with the rest of the cattle.



All of the old farmers around here had a team, either two horses, two mules or a horse and a mule. One to work the fields and the other they could use to ride in the buggy. Of course, Daddy had an old horse named Dan. He was a frisky old fella, especially when it rained and thundered. One time old Dan was out in the pasture, when the weather got bad. He started acting up and spooking the cattle. Daddy finally had enough. So, he went out and got old Dan and settled him up. Rickie, he rode that horse up and down the road, the whole time, whipping the hell out of him. Daddy wanted to teach him a lesson. I don't know if old Dan got the message, but it sure made Daddy feel better.



I believe Mama had the first dairy in Gonzales. After, I believe some of the guys around town kind of got jealous and started selling a little milk here and there.



Uncle Albert, Mama's brother, would bring his kids, Albert Jr., Alvin and I believe Donald, too. Anyway, Uncle Albert would bring his kids every year when we planted sweet potatoes. When they were ready to be picked, Uncle Albert and the boys would come and help. We would pick the bad ones out of the good ones. Rickie, we had a big old potato shed, and old Sam Calotta, a "dego" from New Orleans, would come every year and buy most of them. Some years, Daddy would get a dollar for a hundred pound sack. Very seldom he would get a dollar fifty. Imagine, working on all of that, just for a hundred dollars. That was big back in those days, and Daddy always made plenty sweet potatoes.



On Saturday's, Daddy would put ten to twelve melons on the old buggy, and he and old Dan would head to Gonzales. They would go to the old "colored quarters", as we called it. It was across the railroad tracks behind where St. Theresa Church is now. He would make one stop there and they would yell, "Mr. Law-Leese, you got some good watermellens'?" they couldn't say "melons". Sometimes he would get a nickel or even fifteen cents for a melon. It had to be a big one to get a quarter. Daddy also made damn sure he would scan the pasture real good to get a couple of water melons for the Fourth of July. He would have Mr. John and Mrs. Rosetta, two of Mama and Daddy's oldest friends come every year, and that was a ritual. They had to have their watermelons.



Ulalie purchased the first car, a Model T. I can't remember what year it was. Later, Daddy bought a used '37 Chevrolet for $750  from Newma Landry. When Ulalie first purchased the car, Daddy wanted to take everyone for a ride. Rickie, you know what he did? He asked all of us how much we weighed. He wanted to make sure that the car wasn't overloaded. We went down to Marchand Lane, turned left at River Road (Main Street) and then back around to Cornerview and back to the house. It took what seemed to be an hour, because the top speed was thirty mph. With all of us kids, we couldn't have been going and faster than twenty mph. Daddy once told me that someone said that if you lift the back tires of the Model T off the ground it would crank better. I think he did it once or twice, but till this day I don't know why…Getting back to the Model T. Rickie, do you remember when the post office was inside of a store? Well, old man CoRoy used to run it. It was close to where the Parish White House is now. It was across the street and near Hwy 44 (Burnside). He hired Ulalie to work in the store and I believe it was there that she saved the money to purchase the Model T.



Mama's and Daddy's house didn't add the two back rooms and bathroom until Mama inherited three hundred dollars from some land they sold in Brittany after Maw-Maw LeBlanc passed away. Cousin Sid Fife built the addition. He was one of the few good carpenters back in those days, and the only one that Daddy would let build the addition.



He also remembers one time when Clarabelle wanted her first hair permanent. Paw Paw Lawless, told her that if she would pick the un sellable strawberries and sell them to neighbors, that she could use the money to get her hair done. Back then, unlike today in some cases, all of the brothers and sisters helped her pick and sell the strawberries so that she would have the money she needed. It was like that in those days. We helped each other, which made our Family as close as it is today.


Eight of nine sons qualified for the service and all eight came home! Marcus received the Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism in WWII. Marcus is the only person in Ascension Parish to receive the Distinguished Service Cross. Leroy was also injured in WWII during the Battle Of The Bulge. He received the Purple Heart and the Silver Star. Gary was the only son that was not in service.


After all the children had married, they would still gather each Sunday. I am saddened that I do not remember those days when the whole Family would gather, not just to eat a meal, but to spend time each other. We should all be blessed to know that after 99 years, since 1911, we are still a very close and loving Family, and we have Lawless and Lucinda to thank for that. I, for one, am very proud to be a descendant of the 1911 union of marriage of Our dear Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw. May it continue long after I am gone.


Sadly, in 1968, Clarabelle passed away. She, besides Matthew who only lived a few weeks, was the first child of 14 to pass on. Lawless passed away in 1969, followed by Lucinda in 1971. They say when a couple had spends a life time of love together, once one passes, the other shall pass on just to know that they will be reunited in Heaven above.

(This little tale is from Alvin Boudreaux "Uncle Al"):

I remember one day we were selling milk, door-to-door.  There was a couple from New Orleans that was staying at one of the local motels here. The young lady asked Uncle Cal if the milk was pasteurized. He replied, "Well ma'am, all of our cows are in the pasture."

Descendants of Lawless and Lucinda Boudreaux, Sr.

Generation No. 1

1.  Lawless3 Boudreaux, Sr.  (Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 03, 1886 in Ascension Parish, LA, and died September 12, 1969 in Gonzales, La.  He married Lucinda LeBlanc February 15, 1911 in Cornerview Catholic Church, Cornerview, LA, daughter of Augustin LeBlanc and Isabella White.  She was born December 01, 1891 in Ascension Parish, LA, and died July 16, 1971 in Gonzales, La.

Notes for Lawless Boudreaux, Sr.:

    "Lawless" Antoine Laulesse Boudreaux was born on May 3, 1886, in Gonzales, Louisiana, the child of Arcene and Marie Elphine. He married Lucinda LeBlanc on February 15, 1911, in his hometown. They had 13 children during their marriage. He died on September 12, 1969, in Gonzales, Louisiana, at the age of 83, and was buried there. 

Lawless and Lucinda lived in New Orleans for seven years after getting married. They were married at the Cornerview Catholic Church on February 11, 1911 by Farther Gonon. Lawless worked on the New Orleans Trolley system, and worked as  the rear ticket taker of the trolley car. The three oldest girls, Ulalie, Clara Belle and Louella were born in New Orleans. In 1917 Lawless and Lucinda moved back to Gonzales and in 1918 they purchased 80.31 acres from Picard & Geismar LTD for $3000.00. They made a down payment of $700.00 and made 8 yearly  payments of $287.50 from 1919-1926.  The land acquired by Lawless was purchased from a Sheriff sale in the late 1890's for a sum $1500, by Picard and Geismar LTD.  Another well known fact is that in 1933, Leon Geismar Sr. paid the tax lien on the property of $50.81 so that Lawless and Lucinda would not lose the land to a Sheriff sale. We can all be thankful for that.  Lawless and Lucinda made the only mortgage in 1933 for $2000.00. This was paid back in 35 monthly installments.

   When they first moved to the "Old Place" , as we all came to call it, was heavily wooded when purchased. Many a tree and stump were cut and hauled by mule to make way for what later became the Family's means of living, Farming. Lawless and Lucinda raised everything from corn, beans, strawberries and watermelons. Lucinda was one of the first ladies to have a dairy and sell milk in the area. This milk was delivered by horse and buggy for many years, and sold for 10 cents a quart and 5 cents a pint! 


   Here are some memories From Marcus Boudreaux about the early years on the farm taken from the 75 YR anniversary of Eatel. "There are several, but I remember one of the things we planted was plenty of watermelons. We would get all these melons to the front of the property to sell, by horse and sled. One day we tied  the horse to the shed while gathering the melons, and the gnats got to him. The horse wouldn't’ move, because the gnats were disturbing him so much. So we unhooked him and brought him to the house. About a half hour later, we brought the horse back and hooked the sled to him and he pulled all the melons to the front. We couldn’t explain that! I also remember working the fields with all my siblings and always getting along with them, and we remained that way through the years. We had nine boys in the family (and four girls), enough for a baseball team. One day we went down to the Carville Hospital and played a team formed with the patients there. It was a 10-man game played with a 17-inch indoor ball, so our cousin came along to pitch for us. We lost by only a couple of runs and the patients really enjoyed  the game."  Lawless was a former semiprofessional baseball player. He said that all of his of his thirteen children played a pretty good game. He played with the Dutchtown Red Stripes, a semi-pro baseball team in 1904. He played for seven years before getting married. At their 50th Wedding Anniversary, they said the secret to a great marriage was to "Base your marriage on understanding and cooperation and everything will work out all right."

    Eight of nine sons qualified for the service and all eight came home! Marcus received the Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism in WWII. Marcus is the only person in the State of Louisiana to receive the Distinguished Service Cross. Leroy was also injured in WWII during the Battle Of The Bulge. He received the Purple Heart and the Silver  Star. Gary was the only son that was not in service. While helping to build the Pasqua Theatre, a large cinder block fell from above him and damaged one of his knees. 


    Ulalie purchased the first Family car, a 1937 Chevrolet. Lawless and Lucinda had a Ford Model A, the old hand crank kind. You can just imagine them putt putting along to Church, at a rapid speed of 20 miles an hour.  After all the children had married, they would still gather each Sunday. I am saddened that I do not remember those days when the  

whole Family would gather, not just to eat a meal, but to spend time each other. We should all be blessed to know that after 99 years, since 1911, we are still a very close and loving Family, and we have Lawless and Lucinda to thank for that. I, for one, am very proud to be a descendant of the 1911 union of marriage of Our dear Maw-Maw  

and Paw-Paw. May it continue long after I am gone. 


    Sadly, in 1968, Clarabelle passed away from Cancer. She, besides Matthew who only lived a few weeks, was the first child of 14 to pass on. Lawless passed away in 1969, followed by Lucinda in 1971. They say when a couple had spends a life time of love together, once one passes, the other shall pass on just to know that they will be reunited in the Heavens above. 



More About Lawless Boudreaux, Sr.:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Notes for Lucinda LeBlanc:

When Lucinda LeBlanc was born on December 1, 1891, in Gonzales, Louisiana, her father, Augustin, was 31 and her mother, Isabella, was 34. She married "Lawless" Antoine Laulesse Boudreaux on February 15, 1911, in her hometown. They had 13 children during their marriage. She died on July 16, 1971, in Gonzales, Louisiana, at the age of 79, and was buried there.

More About Lucinda LeBlanc:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Lawless Boudreaux and Lucinda LeBlanc are:

+ 2 i. Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, born February 04, 1912 in New Orleans, La; died February 02, 1989 in Metarie, La.

+ 3 ii. Luella Boudreaux, born January 07, 1914 in New Orleans, La; died March 22, 2006 in Gonzales, La.

+ 4 iii. Clara Belle Boudreaux, born July 19, 1915 in New Orleans, La; died March 18, 1968 in Baton Rouge, La.

+ 5 iv. Lawless Boudreaux Jr., born December 29, 1917 in Gonzales, La; died July 02, 1980 in Gonzales, La.

+ 6 v. Gary Boudreaux, born November 08, 1919 in Gonzales, La; died September 06, 2003 in New Orleans, La.

+ 7 vi. Marcus Boudreaux, born July 24, 1921 in Gonzales, La; died April 23, 2013 in Gonzales, La.

8 vii. Leroy Boudreaux, born December 20, 1923 in Gonzales, La; died December 10, 2009 in Gonzales, La.

Notes for Leroy Boudreaux:

Leroy was wounded during WWII  during the Battle of the Bulge. He lost his middle finger on his right hand as a result of shrapnel from enemy fire.

He received the Purple Heart and the Silver Star for his great courage to help others and being wounded as a result of his heroic actions.

Uncle "Lee" was a kind and generous person. He lived in the Family home until the property was sold in the late 1980's. Uncle Lee never married but loved all kids. He would often play cards with his brothers and Nephews, and then turn around and toss the coins from his winnings into a crowd of us kids, so that we would have a little money too. A lot of us called him Uncle "Tickle". I believe that was his way of showing his undying affection for all kids. 

He was an avid golf player, who was a charter member of the now closed, Gonzales Country Club.

He retired from La. Department Of Transportation after 25 years of service.

He died from a self inflicted gun shot wound. He had melanoma cancer that had spread into his entire body.

He wasn't one that would have wanted to burden others, especially to have someone to care for him.

His love and generosity was evident in his final attribution to his loving family. He had amassed a great wealth, but lived as a person that only needed the essentials to live his everyday life. 

Although we may never understand why he did what he did, we will always be grateful that he was a part of our lives. 

RIP Uncle "Tickle" Lee

More About Leroy Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven Mausoleum on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

+ 9 viii. Irma V Audrey Boudreaux, born April 13, 1925 in Gonzales, La; died January 02, 2009 in Gonzales, La.

+ 10 ix. Aubert Boudreaux, born February 13, 1927 in Gonzales, La; died June 24, 2001 in Gonzales, La.

+ 11 x. Alvin Boudreaux, born May 03, 1929 in Gonzales, La; died December 10, 2010 in Gonzales, La.

+ 12 xi. Calvin Boudreaux, born May 03, 1929 in Gonzales, La; died May 01, 2007 in Gonzales, La.

+ 13 xii. Oakley Boudreaux, born March 27, 1932 in Gonzales, La; died December 13, 2016.

+ 14 xiii. Roland Boudreaux, born March 27, 1932 in Gonzales, La; died April 23, 2011 in Baton Rouge, La.

15 xiv. Matthew Boudreaux, born September 21, 1936; died October 1936.

Notes for Matthew Boudreaux:

Matthew survived a short while in infancy. 

Copied from a note from Audrey Boudreaux. This was told to her by Irma V.

Lucinda was feeding Matthew while waiting on the porch to go to church to christen him.

When she was bringing him up to the sitting position, Matthew chocked and strangled to death.

Lucinda said that he was a "change of life" baby. Lucinda was 45 years old when Matthew was born.

More About Matthew Boudreaux:

Burial: St. Theresa Cemetary off Hwy 44 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Generation No. 2

2.  Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 04, 1912 in New Orleans, La, and died February 02, 1989 in Metarie, La.  She married Zenon Kling January 14, 1939.  He was born January 27, 1907 in Duplessis, La, and died December 18, 1988 in Metarie, La.

Notes for Audrey Ulalie Boudreaux:

Aunt Ulalie's birth name is AUDREY ULALIE BOUDREAUX.

Cause of death Congestive Heart Failure.

Notes for Zenon Kling:

Uncle Zeno's birth name is JOSEPH ZENON KLING

Children of Audrey Boudreaux and Zenon Kling are:

+ 16 i. Audrey5 Kling, born July 13, 1940; died February 12, 2012.

+ 17 ii. Evelyn Kling, born November 07, 1944.

3.  Luella4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 07, 1914 in New Orleans, La, and died March 22, 2006 in Gonzales, La.  She married Alces Daigle January 06, 1940.  He was born September 22, 1914 in Prairieville, LA, and died January 19, 1965 in Gonzales, La.

More About Luella Boudreaux:

Burial: St. John Cemetary, P'ville, La

More About Alces Daigle:

Burial: St. John Cemetary, P'ville, La

Children of Luella Boudreaux and Alces Daigle are:

+ 18 i. Wayne5 Daigle, born October 17, 1940.

+ 19 ii. Malcolm J Daigle, born February 10, 1943.

+ 20 iii. Ronald P Daigle, born July 15, 1945.

+ 21 iv. Coy A Daigle Sr, born August 11, 1948.

22 v. Wanda M Daigle, born February 14, 1953.

4.  Clara Belle4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 19, 1915 in New Orleans, La, and died March 18, 1968 in Baton Rouge, La.  She married Wickliff J Mayers Sr. August 28, 1938.  He was born May 07, 1914 in Gonzales, La, and died September 08, 2002 in Gonzales, La.

Notes for Clara Belle Boudreaux:

ClaraBelle died of Cancer in 1968. 

More About Clara Belle Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

More About Wickliff J Mayers Sr.:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Clara Boudreaux and Wickliff Sr. are:

+ 23 i. JoAnn Mayers5 Gautreau, born January 17, 1940.

+ 24 ii. Andrew Printis Mayers, born October 02, 1941.

+ 25 iii. Carolyn M Mayers, born January 19, 1944.

+ 26 iv. Wickliff Mayers Jr., born May 18, 1947.

+ 27 v. John Glenn Mayers, born February 08, 1953; died August 10, 2010.

+ 28 vi. Judy Claire Mayers, born April 23, 1959.

5.  Lawless Boudreaux4 Jr. (Lawless3 Boudreaux, Sr., Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 29, 1917 in Gonzales, La, and died July 02, 1980 in Gonzales, La.  He married Winnie Kling September 10, 1941.  She was born July 31, 1922 in Baton Rouge, La, and died January 10, 2014 in Gonzales, La.

Notes for Lawless Boudreaux Jr.:

Lawless Boudreaux Jr. took his own life due to depression. 

More About Lawless Boudreaux Jr.:

Burial: St. John Cemetary, P'ville, La

Child of Lawless Jr. and Winnie Kling is:

+ 29 i. John Barry5 Boudreaux, born September 27, 1948.

6.  Gary4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 08, 1919 in Gonzales, La, and died September 06, 2003 in New Orleans, La.  He married Mitzi Guidry December 27, 1942.  She was born June 30, 1923, and died May 09, 1970.

More About Gary Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Child of Gary Boudreaux and Mitzi Guidry is:

+ 30 i. Lawrence5 Boudreaux, born April 29, 1949.

7.  Marcus4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 24, 1921 in Gonzales, La, and died April 23, 2013 in Gonzales, La.  He married Aline J Lambert February 02, 1946.  She was born March 27, 1924 in Gonzales, La.

Notes for Marcus Boudreaux:

During the time of WWII, Marcus A. Boudreaux was injured on November 26, 1943.  The injury consisted of the lost of his left eye and some shrapnel in his right eye.  For all his heroic efforts, Marcus earned the Purple Heart and The Distinguished Service Cross during WWII.  HE was honored with the two medals on August 4, 1944.

Marcus is also the co-founder of Ascension Parish Retarded Children organization.  The facility was established by selling Claxton fruit cakes for years from his home and investing the money to rent a building to start the home.

Marcus sat on the Ascension Parish Library Board for 22 years.  The library was founded by Mac going door to door asking for support to start the library.  Within a years time his efforts were accomplished.  The vote had passed to start the library.  Today, the library is located on Irma Blvd. and stands proud with his support.

Marcus also served on the Police Jury for 16 years with the Soil Conservation Board.

Marcus goes by several names...Marcus, Mac, Lighting and Gramps

More About Marcus Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Marcus Boudreaux and Aline Lambert are:

+ 31 i. Irvin A5 Boudreaux, born October 01, 1947.

+ 32 ii. Lynn A Boudreaux, born December 28, 1952.

9.  Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born April 13, 1925 in Gonzales, La, and died January 02, 2009 in Gonzales, La.  She married Nelcon Hernandez October 05, 1946.  He was born August 12, 1917 in Gonzales, La, and died March 08, 1976 in Gonzales, La.

Notes for Irma V Audrey Boudreaux:

Irma V's birth name is IRMA V AUDREY BOUDREAUX.  The "V" doesn't stand for anything and doesn't need any periods behind it or with it.

Irma V had Alzheimer but died from Congestive Heart Failure due to pneumonia.

More About Irma V Audrey Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

More About Nelcon Hernandez:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Irma Boudreaux and Nelcon Hernandez are:

+ 33 i. Gloria5 Hernandez, born October 06, 1947.

+ 34 ii. Gerald Hernandez, born September 11, 1952.

+ 35 iii. Gwenlyn Hernandez, born January 12, 1954.

10.  Aubert4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 13, 1927 in Gonzales, La, and died June 24, 2001 in Gonzales, La.  He married Myrla Parent September 08, 1948 in St. Gabriel Catholic Church, St Gabriel, LA..  She was born December 01, 1927 in Sunshine, La, and died December 22, 2003 in Gonzales La.

Notes for Aubert Boudreaux:

Died of congestive heart failure.

More About Aubert Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Notes for Myrla Parent:

Died of congestive heart failure.

More About Myrla Parent:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Aubert Boudreaux and Myrla Parent are:

+ 36 i. Brenda5 Boudreaux, born September 11, 1949.

+ 37 ii. Beverly Boudreaux, born December 20, 1951.

+ 38 iii. Kathyrn Boudreaux, born September 25, 1953.

+ 39 iv. Juanita Boudreaux, born October 13, 1956.

+ 40 v. Vickie Boudreaux, born September 21, 1960.

+ 41 vi. Daniel Boudreaux, born December 24, 1962.

+ 42 vii. David Boudreaux, born December 24, 1962.

+ 43 viii. Dianne Boudreaux, born July 30, 1967.

44 ix. Rickie J. Boudreaux, born June 14, 1968. 

Notes for Rickie J. Boudreaux:

Rickie is the youngest Boudreaux Grandchild. 39 of 39

11.  Alvin4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 03, 1929 in Gonzales, La, and died December 10, 2010 in Gonzales, La.  He married Rosmary Alonzo July 04, 1953.  She was born January 02, 1930 in Donaldsonville, LA, and died September 14, 2006 in St. Amant, La.

More About Alvin Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

More About Rosmary Alonzo:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Alvin Boudreaux and Rosmary Alonzo are:

45 i. Lyall G5 Boudreaux, born September 13, 1954.

+ 46 ii. Sharla Boudreaux, born November 28, 1957.

12.  Calvin4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 03, 1929 in Gonzales, La, and died May 01, 2007 in Gonzales, La.  He married Betty Babin July 04, 1953.  She was born May 24, 1932 in Gonzales, La, and died September 21, 2016.

More About Calvin Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Calvin Boudreaux and Betty Babin are:

+ 47 i. Calvin Joey Boudreaux5 Jr., born October 16, 1955.

+ 48 ii. Kirk J Boudreaux, born May 28, 1958.

+ 49 iii. Don M Boudreaux, born January 19, 1960.

+ 50 iv. Ted M Boudreaux, born September 13, 1962.

13.  Oakley4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born March 27, 1932 in Gonzales, La, and died December 13, 2016.  He married Shirley McCory September 27, 1952.  She was born June 28, 1935.

Notes for Oakley Boudreaux:

Notes for Oakley J. Boudreaux:

Oakley Boudreaux was married to Shirley McCrory, mother of Dale and Keith Boudreaux.  After their divorce, Oakley married Bobby Boudreaux.

Children of Oakley Boudreaux and Shirley McCory are:

+ 51 i. Gerald Dale5 Boudreaux, born January 19, 1955.

+ 52 ii. Keith D Boudreaux, born September 06, 1961; died September 10, 2015.

14.  Roland4 Boudreaux (Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born March 27, 1932 in Gonzales, La, and died April 23, 2011 in Baton Rouge, La.  He married Betty Kling August 10, 1957.  She was born December 14, 1936 in Carville, La, and died October 20, 2017 in Gonzales, La.

More About Roland Boudreaux:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

More About Betty Kling:

Burial: Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Roland Boudreaux and Betty Kling are:

53 i. Susan A5 Boudreaux, born March 07, 1958.

+ 54 ii. Terri Boudreaux, born July 06, 1961.

Generation No. 3

16.  Audrey5 Kling (Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 13, 1940, and died February 12, 2012.  She married William F Kroeper Jr. October 27, 1962.  He was born January 04, 1941.

Children of Audrey Kling and William Jr. are:

+ 55 i. Dawn F6 Kroeper, born September 09, 1963.

+ 56 ii. Denice M Kroeper, born February 26, 1965.

+ 57 iii. William F Kroeper III, born September 17, 1966.

+ 58 iv. Debra A Kroeper, born August 24, 1980.

17.  Evelyn5 Kling (Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 07, 1944.  She married Walter Passero July 17, 1965.  He was born May 31, 1937.

Children of Evelyn Kling and Walter Passero are:

+ 59 i. Donna6 Passero, born December 20, 1965.

+ 60 ii. Darnell Passero, born August 18, 1967; died November 19, 2014.

+ 61 iii. Dana Passero, born July 27, 1973.

18.  Wayne5 Daigle (Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 17, 1940.  He married Patty Daigle February 19, 2001.  She was born October 05, 1946.

Notes for Wayne Daigle:

Notes for: J Wayne Daigle

Wayne Daigle was married to Louronnie Dearmond, mother of Boyd, Tony and Scott. After their divorce, Wayne married Patty S Daigle.

Children of Wayne Daigle and Patty Daigle are:

+ 62 i. Boyd T6 Daigle, born September 27, 1961.

+ 63 ii. Tony Daigle, born May 17, 1963.

64 iii. Scott J Daigle M.D., born April 30, 1964.

19.  Malcolm J5 Daigle (Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 10, 1943.  He married Mary Porche May 01, 1965.  She was born August 18, 1943.

Children of Malcolm Daigle and Mary Porche are:

+ 65 i. Brian6 Daigle, born June 24, 1966.

66 ii. Michael Daigle, born January 12, 1968; died September 16, 1969.

+ 67 iii. Troy Daigle, born February 26, 1973.

20.  Ronald P5 Daigle (Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 15, 1945.  He married Katherine Hebert June 07, 1969.  She was born October 22, 1947.

Children of Ronald Daigle and Katherine Hebert are:

68 i. Randal6 Daigle, born March 30, 1970.  He married Cynthia Gautreaux March 15, 1997; born April 27, 1956.

+ 69 ii. Todd J Daigle, born May 16, 1972.

+ 70 iii. Brett Daigle, born September 22, 1981.

21.  Coy A Daigle5 Sr (Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 11, 1948.  He married Vickie Lee October 30, 1971.  She was born July 05, 1951.

Notes for Coy A Daigle Sr:

Coy a Daigle Sr. was married to Patricia Gautreaux, Mother of Coy Daigle Jr. After their divorce,  Coy married Vickie Lee.

Children of Coy Sr and Vickie Lee are:

+ 71 i. Coy Daigle6 Jr, born December 09, 1967.

+ 72 ii. Sheri L Daigle, born February 14, 1973.

+ 73 iii. Starlet Daigle, born March 13, 1976.

23.  JoAnn Mayers5 Gautreau (Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 17, 1940.

Children of JoAnn Mayers Gautreau are:

+ 74 i. Craig Joseph6 Gautreau, born August 29, 1960.

+ 75 ii. Lane A Gautreau, born January 05, 1962.

76 iii. Jeffery Lynn Gautreau, born February 02, 1963; died March 25, 2011.

77 iv. John Gautreau, born January 10, 1964; died January 10, 1964.

+ 78 v. Chad D Gautreau, born June 08, 1965.

24.  Andrew Printis5 Mayers (Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 02, 1941.  He married Karen Mignone April 29, 1967.  She was born February 05, 1947.

Children of Andrew Mayers and Karen Mignone are:

79 i. Randall S6 Mayers, born June 26, 1961.

80 ii. Erika A Mayers, born March 04, 1968.

25.  Carolyn M5 Mayers (Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 19, 1944.  She married Larry Dominique January 08, 1966.  He was born March 08, 1942, and died February 03, 2017.

Children of Carolyn Mayers and Larry Dominique are:

+ 81 i. Lyn Carol6 Dominique, born March 23, 1971.

+ 82 ii. Philip Dominique, born April 22, 1974.

26.  Wickliff Mayers5 Jr. (Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 18, 1947.  He married Cathy Blouin October 02, 1965.  She was born February 05, 1946.

Children of Wickliff Jr. and Cathy Blouin are:

+ 83 i. Dwayne E6 Mayers, born November 13, 1967.

+ 84 ii. Tate P Mayers, born April 05, 1972.

27.  John Glenn5 Mayers (Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 08, 1953, and died August 10, 2010.  He married Linda Trahan October 27, 1978.  She was born April 24, 1950.

Children of John Mayers and Linda Trahan are:

+ 85 i. Annette M6 Mayers, born January 16, 1973.

+ 86 ii. John G Mayers Jr, born March 24, 1980.

+ 87 iii. Shara N Mayers, born June 22, 1983.

+ 88 iv. Megan C Mayers, born August 12, 1984.

28.  Judy Claire5 Mayers (Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born April 23, 1959.  She married John Johnson January 24, 1997.  He was born July 20, 1951, and died September 06, 2014.

Children of Judy Mayers and John Johnson are:

+ 89 i. Calvin Brent Vezinat6 Jr, born July 30, 1977.

+ 90 ii. DaResha L Vezinat, born August 20, 1979.

29.  John Barry5 Boudreaux (Lawless Boudreaux4 Jr., Lawless3 Boudreaux, Sr., Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 27, 1948.  He married Patricia Sholar August 23, 1969.  She was born June 16, 1949.

Children of John Boudreaux and Patricia Sholar are:

91 i. Marcie6 Boudreaux, born January 21, 1971.

+ 92 ii. Beth Boudreaux, born January 14, 1980.

30.  Lawrence5 Boudreaux (Gary4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born April 29, 1949, and died January 10, 2018.  He married Brenda Rae Roberts.  She was born September 28, 1950.

Notes for Lawrence Boudreaux:

Notes for Lawrence Boudreaux: 

Larry Boudreaux was married to Brenda Roberts, mother of James, Andrea and Scott. After their divorce Larry married Stephanie Boudreaux.

Children of Lawrence Boudreaux and Brenda Roberts are:

+ 93 i. James6 Boudreaux, born May 11, 1969.

+ 94 ii. Andrea Boudreaux, born February 24, 1975.

+ 95 iii. Scott Boudreaux, born March 18, 1977.

31.  Irvin A5 Boudreaux (Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 01, 1947.

Children of Irvin A Boudreaux are:

+ 96 i. Jeanne Elise6 Boudreaux, born July 28, 1968.

+ 97 ii. Dorian M Boudreaux, born June 28, 1969.

+ 98 iii. Jenee N Boudreaux, born January 07, 1972.

+ 99 iv. Danielle M Boudreaux, born September 30, 1974; died September 27, 2010.

100 v. Marcus A Boudreaux II, born April 26, 1976.

32.  Lynn A5 Boudreaux (Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 28, 1952.  She married Samuel P Burgett January 26, 1974.  He was born September 05, 1951.

Children of Lynn Boudreaux and Samuel Burgett are:

+ 101 i. Harold Jason6 Burgett, born June 07, 1975.

102 ii. Cory Paul Burgett, born June 28, 1976.

+ 103 iii. Toby Cohn Burgett, born December 17, 1977.

104 iv. Casey Lee Burgett, born November 21, 1979.

Notes for Casey Lee Burgett:

Casey Burgett was diagnosed with Hersprung disease at 19 days old.  Casey underwent corrective surgery when he weighed enough; 18 pounds.  Surgery corrected the disease.  

33.  Gloria5 Hernandez (Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 06, 1947.  She married Rubin J Molliere May 12, 1978.  He was born July 29, 1949.

Notes for Gloria Hernandez:

Gloria was married to Darryl Fontenot, Father of Chris Fontenot. After their divorce, Gloria married Rubin Molliere, father of Damon Molliere

Children of Gloria Hernandez and Rubin Molliere are:

+ 105 i. Chris6 Fontenot, born November 03, 1970.

+ 106 ii. Damon Molliere, born February 26, 1980.

34.  Gerald5 Hernandez (Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 11, 1952.  He married Sandra Gail Gautreau April 24, 1994.  She was born August 26, 1955.

Notes for Gerald Hernandez:

Notes for Gerald Hernandez:

Gerald Hernandez was married to Grace Shexnayder, mother to Justin and Kayla. After their divorce, Gerald married Sandy Gautreaux.  

Notes for Sandra Gail Gautreau:

Sandy has three sons from a previous marriage, Damon, Dustin and Devon Gautreaux.  

Damon married Melissa on June 1, 2001, they have two children, Macee and Gabe.

Damon was born April 24, 1976

Melissa was born January 26, 1980

Macee was born June 7, 1996

Gabe was born December 24, 2007

Dustin married Amanda on October 15, 2004, they have one child, Raelyn

Dustin was born March 30, 1980

Amanda was born May 14, 1979

Raelyn was born August 29, 2008

Devon was born August 16, 1985

Children of Gerald Hernandez and Sandra Gautreau are:

107 i. Justin6 Hernandez, born December 15, 1979.

+ 108 ii. Kayla Hernandez, born August 22, 1982.

35.  Gwenlyn5 Hernandez (Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 12, 1954.  She married Archie Molliere May 15, 1976.  He was born January 21, 1951.

Children of Gwenlyn Hernandez and Archie Molliere are:

+ 109 i. Kelly6 Molliere, born May 10, 1977.

110 ii. Kandice Molliere, born September 01, 1980; died December 06, 2007.

Notes for Kandice Molliere:

Neuroactive Dystrophy a form of Muscular Dystrophy which causes nerves to deteriorate.

More About Kandice Molliere:

Burial: St. John Cemetary off Hwy 73 in Prairieville, Louisiana

36.  Brenda5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 11, 1949.  She married Kenneth Bourgeois January 04, 1969.  He was born January 17, 1944.

Children of Brenda Boudreaux and Kenneth Bourgeois are:

+ 111 i. Darren6 Bourgeois, born July 22, 1969.

+ 112 ii. Sherry Bourgeois, born July 17, 1972.

37.  Beverly5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 20, 1951.  She married John B Laiche August 19, 1972 in St. Theresa of Avila - Gonzales, LA.  He was born May 28, 1947 in Baton Rouge, La, and died February 01, 2003 in St. Amant, La.

Notes for John B Laiche:

J.B. died from complications of throat cancer.

More About John B Laiche:

Burial: Holy Rosary Catholic Cemetary, St. Amant

Child of Beverly Boudreaux and John Laiche is:

+ 113 i. Jared6 Laiche, born May 24, 1979.

38.  Kathyrn5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 25, 1953.  She married Kenneth Johnson July 30, 1971.  He was born October 07, 1948.

Children of Kathyrn Boudreaux and Kenneth Johnson are:

+ 114 i. Stephen6 Johnson, born January 17, 1972.

+ 115 ii. Michele Johnson, born July 31, 1974.

39.  Juanita5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 13, 1956.  She married Ward Webb January 20, 1991 in Parent's Living Room.  He was born August 07, 1964, and died March 27, 2018 in Baton Rouge. La.

Notes for Juanita Boudreaux:

Juanita was married to John A Frederic Jr., the father of Jaci and Julie. After their divorce, Juanita married Ward Webb.

More About Ward Webb:

Burial: March 31, 2018, Hope Haven on Hwy 30 in Gonzales, Louisiana

Children of Juanita Boudreaux and Ward Webb are:

+ 116 i. Jaci Frederic6 Marix, born November 29, 1981.

+ 117 ii. Julie Frederic, born June 24, 1983.

40.  Vickie5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 21, 1960.

Notes for Vickie Boudreaux:

Vickie was married to Brian Ducote, the Father of Jennifer and Matthew.

Children of Vickie Boudreaux are:

118 i. Jennifer6 Ducote, born November 19, 1986. She married Tyler Jones on  September 3, 2017.  He was born November 02. 1992.

119 ii. Matthew Ducote, born September 29, 1990. He married Deshea Gautreau on April 27, 2018.  She was born July 28, 1992.

41.  Daniel5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 24, 1962.  He married Michelle Gautreaux October 16, 1982.  She was born April 02, 1960.

Children of Daniel Boudreaux and Michelle Gautreaux are:

+ 120 i. Megan6 Boudreaux, born June 26, 1987.

121 ii. Katie Boudreaux, born January 09, 1991.

42.  David5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 24, 1962.  He married Donna Gutenkauf May 25, 1984.  She was born March 21, 1960.

Children of David Boudreaux and Donna Gutenkauf are:

122 i. Ryan6 Boudreaux, born February 01, 1988.

123 ii. Justin Boudreaux, born June 07, 1994.

43.  Dianne5 Boudreaux (Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 30, 1967.  She married Shelby Savoy September 05, 1986.  He was born June 29, 1965.

Children of Dianne Boudreaux and Shelby Savoy are:

+ 124 i. Chase6 Savoy, born June 02, 1989.

125 ii. Tyler Savoy, born January 29, 1994.

126 iii. Taylor Savoy, born January 29, 1994.

46.  Sharla5 Boudreaux (Alvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 28, 1957.  She married Rodney Young December 14, 1979.  He was born December 24, 1952.

Children of Sharla Boudreaux and Rodney Young are:

+ 127 i. Tiffanie Young6 Lemonds, born February 16, 1980.

+ 128 ii. Brittanie Young, born September 18, 1984.

47.  Calvin Joey Boudreaux5 Jr. (Calvin4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 16, 1955.  He married Audrey Ducote April 25, 1975.  She was born October 03, 1950.

Notes for Audrey Ducote:

Audrey has a son, Todd Balfantz from a previous marriage, and he is married to Kristie Balfantz. 

Todd has two sons and a step-daughter.  

Todd was born on January 31, 1971, married Kristie on July 3, 1998, and she was born on March 16, 1971.

Dane was born on February 12, 2001 

Ian was born on July 12, 2005 

Kirsten Gautreaux was born on September 4, 1989.

Kirsten has a son, Beck Guedry, born on October 20, 2008.

Children of Calvin Jr. and Audrey Ducote are:

+ 129 i. Chet M6 Boudreaux, born October 31, 1978.

+ 130 ii. Eric D Boudreaux, born September 24, 1981.

48.  Kirk J5 Boudreaux (Calvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 28, 1958.  He married Melanie Espey June 11, 1982.  She was born October 05, 1961.

Children of Kirk Boudreaux and Melanie Espey are:

+ 131 i. Tate J6 Boudreaux, born November 11, 1986.

132 ii. Joel E Boudreaux, born July 13, 1989.  He married Andrea Ferrari January 12, 2018; born July 17, 1990.

49.  Don M5 Boudreaux (Calvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 19, 1960.  He married Bridget Bourgeois July 27, 1984.  She was born August 29, 1962.

Children of Don Boudreaux and Bridget Bourgeois are:

133 i. Seth J6 Boudreaux, born August 22, 1986.

+ 134 ii. Jada M Boudreaux, born January 28, 1991.

50.  Ted M5 Boudreaux (Calvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 13, 1962.

Notes for Ted M Boudreaux:

Ted was married to Darla Roth. She is the Mother of Morgan.

Ted married Sherrie, and she is the Mother of Mason and Marissa.

Children of Ted M Boudreaux are:

+ 135 i. Morgan E6 Boudreaux, born January 15, 1986.

136 ii. Mason M Boudreaux, born December 02, 1995.

137 iii. Anna Marissa Boudreaux, born July 31, 1997.

51.  Gerald Dale5 Boudreaux (Oakley4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 19, 1955.  He married Donna Sanchez September 07, 1973.  She was born August 04, 1953.

Child of Gerald Boudreaux and Donna Sanchez is:

+ 138 i. Devin6 Boudreaux, born December 03, 1985.

52.  Keith D5 Boudreaux (Oakley4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 06, 1961, and died September 10, 2015.  He met Tracy Melancon.  She was born September 30, 1963.

Child of Keith Boudreaux and Tracy Melancon is:

139 i. Andre D6 Boudreaux, born September 17, 1997.

54.  Terri5 Boudreaux (Roland4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 06, 1961.  She married Garvin Bourgeois October 17, 1986.  He was born August 01, 1959.

Children of Terri Boudreaux and Garvin Bourgeois are:

140 i. Ty6 Bourgeois, born November 04, 1989.

141 ii. Tanna Bourgeois, born February 07, 1993.

Generation No. 4

55.  Dawn F6 Kroeper (Audrey5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 09, 1963.  She married Jeffrey Michael St. Amand May 10, 1985.  He was born February 07, 1959.

Children of Dawn Kroeper and Jeffrey St. Amand are:

142 i. Jeffery Michael7 St. Amand, born November 25, 1986.

143 ii. Jeremy A St. Amand, born June 02, 1988.

56.  Denice M6 Kroeper (Audrey5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 26, 1965.  She married Richard Landry Jr. November 03, 1984.  He was born August 24, 1963.

Children of Denice Kroeper and Richard Jr. are:

144 i. Emily M7 Landry, born February 05, 1992.

145 ii. Kimberly F Landry, born December 17, 1995.

57.  William F6 Kroeper III (Audrey5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 17, 1966.  He married Pamela A Markham March 18, 2000.  She was born February 25, 1961.

Child of William Kroeper and Pamela Markham is:

146 i. Annie Grace7 Kroeper, born September 21, 2007.

58.  Debra A6 Kroeper (Audrey5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 24, 1980.  She married Joe Manzella June 20, 2009.  He was born November 27, 1977.

Children of Debra Kroeper and Joe Manzella are:

147 i. Liam7 Manzella, born September 08, 2010.

148 ii. Emma Audrey Manzella, born October 15, 2013.

59.  Donna6 Passero (Evelyn5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 20, 1965.  She married Roger Watkins October 28, 1983.  He was born January 10, 1965.

Child of Donna Passero and Roger Watkins is:

+ 149 i. Brent7 Watkins, born May 11, 1984.

60.  Darnell6 Passero (Evelyn5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 18, 1967, and died November 19, 2014.  She married David Evans November 08, 1999.  He was born November 12, 1961.

Child of Darnell Passero and David Evans is:

+ 150 i. Jessica M7 Calico, born October 30, 1984.

61.  Dana6 Passero (Evelyn5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 27, 1973.  She married Manny Jaime Laureiro September 15, 2000.  He was born February 11, 1969.

Notes for Dana Passero:

Danna has a step daughter, Courtney Laureiro born on September 10, 1993

Child of Dana Passero and Manny Laureiro is:

151 i. Peyton7 Laureiro, born June 21, 2005.

62.  Boyd T6 Daigle (Wayne5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 27, 1961.  He married Leslie Gautreaux November 26, 1980.  She was born August 05, 1961.

Notes for Boyd T Daigle:

Boyd has a step-daughter, Quinn Gautreaux Creel. She has three sons, Cade, Damian and Christian.

Quinn was born May 19, 1979.

Cade Creel was born January 10, 2000.

Damian Ledlow was born January 29, 2004.

Christian Bourque was born February 14, 2006.

Children of Boyd Daigle and Leslie Gautreaux are:

+ 152 i. Brandt J7 Daigle, born August 21, 1984.

+ 153 ii. Bryce T Daigle, born November 25, 1990.

63.  Tony6 Daigle (Wayne5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 17, 1963.

        Tony was married to Desiree Landry.

        She is the mother Tasha and Toni Lynn.

Children of Tony Daigle and Desiree Landry are:

154 i. Tasha7 Daigle, born December 28, 1983.

155 ii. Tony Daigle, born September 01, 1991.

65.  Brian6 Daigle (Malcolm J5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 24, 1966.  He married Leigh Daigle.  She was born April 24, 1970.

Child of Brian Daigle and Leigh Daigle is:

156 i. Kylie7 Daigle, born November 21, 1998.

67.  Troy6 Daigle (Malcolm J5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 26, 1973.

Children of Troy Daigle are:

157 i. Travis7 Daigle, born July 01, 1996.

158 ii. Timothy Malcolm Daigle, born October 04, 2006.

159 iii. Destin Daigle, born September 12, 2008.

69.  Todd J6 Daigle (Ronald P5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 16, 1972.  He married Chastity Daigle August 09, 2003.  She was born September 11, 1974.

Children of Todd Daigle and Chastity Daigle are:

160 i. Tyson7 Daigle, born August 21, 2006.

161 ii. Alise Daigle, born February 17, 2009.

70.  Brett6 Daigle (Ronald P5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 22, 1981.  He married Jodi Carpenter June 10, 2005.  She was born May 03, 1984.

Children of Brett Daigle and Jodi Carpenter are:

162 i. Hayden7 Daigle, born December 03, 2007.

163 ii. Hailie Daigle, born September 23, 2010.

164 iii. Hunter Daigle, born September 24, 2014.

71.  Coy Daigle6 Jr (Coy A Daigle5 Sr, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 09, 1967.  He married Stephanie Storey September 25, 1998.  She was born September 12, 1962.

Coy was previously married to Cindy Cavin. They divorced August of 1998.

Children of Coy Jr and Cindy Cavin are:

165 i. Coy A7 Daigle III, born November 23, 1988.  He married Stephanie Foulkes October 04, 2014; born March 09, 1993.

166 ii. Crista Daigle, born June 14, 1995.

72.  Sheri L6 Daigle (Coy A Daigle5 Sr, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 14, 1973.  She married Christopher Olsen April 24, 2010.  He was born November 17, 1973.

Children of Sheri Daigle and Christopher Olsen are:

167 i. Grayson7 Olsen, born May 01, 2014.

168 ii. Adyson Olsen, born September 23, 2015.

73.  Starlet6 Daigle (Coy A Daigle5 Sr, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born March 13, 1976.  She married Brad Girouard January 14, 2000.  He was born February 19, 1971.

Children of Starlet Daigle and Brad Girouard are:

169 i. Collin7 Girouard, born March 03, 2005.

170 ii. Charley Rae Girouard, born January 20, 2014.

74.  Craig Joseph6 Gautreau (JoAnn Mayers5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 29, 1960.  He married Alison Howel May 03, 1979.  She was born April 11, 1961.

Children of Craig Gautreau and Alison Howel are:

+ 171 i. Ryan7 Gautreau, born August 07, 1981.

+ 172 ii. Brynn Gautreau, born March 14, 1984.

75.  Lane A6 Gautreau (JoAnn Mayers5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 05, 1962.  He married Tracy Gautreau October 16, 2004.  She was born May 26, 1961.

Children of Lane Gautreau and Tracy Gautreau are:

173 i. Leah7 Gautreau, born July 19, 1987.  She married Jonathon Butler October 08, 2016; born September 14, 1986.

174 ii. Michael Gautreau, born March 19, 1990.

78.  Chad D6 Gautreau (JoAnn Mayers5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 08, 1965.  He married Debbie Dosburg February 05, 1990.  She was born May 07, 1962.

Child of Chad Gautreau and Debbie Dosburg is:

175 i. Landon7 Gautreau, born February 07, 1993.

81.  Lyn Carol6 Dominique (Carolyn M5 Mayers, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born March 23, 1971.  She married Gregg Clement January 25, 2015.  He was born August 12, 1969.

Notes for Gregg Clement:

Gregg has two children from a previous relationship.

Trey Lawrence Clement, born 4-16-91 and 

Amber Marie Clement, born 3-16-95. 

Trey married  Meghan Aucoin on 5-30-15.

Meghan was born 8-30-90.

Children of Lyn Dominique and Gregg Clement are:

176 i. Kesley7 Martin, born October 10, 1994.

177 ii. Taylor Martin, born July 02, 1999.

82.  Philip6 Dominique (Carolyn M5 Mayers, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born April 22, 1974.  He married Jamie Dominique October 27, 2000.  She was born April 01, 1979.

Children of Philip Dominique and Jamie Dominique are:

178 i. Caroline7 Dominique, born September 29, 2004.

179 ii. Andrew Dominique, born September 02, 2009.

83.  Dwayne E6 Mayers (Wickliff Mayers5 Jr., Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 13, 1967.  He married Martha Patterson April 16, 1988.  She was born January 19, 1966.

Child of Dwayne Mayers and Martha Patterson is:

180 i. Cole J7 Mayers, born January 19, 1994.

84.  Tate P6 Mayers (Wickliff Mayers5 Jr., Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born April 05, 1972.  He married Angela Abbott August 04, 1995.  She was born July 03, 1971.

Children of Tate Mayers and Angela Abbott are:

181 i. Braylee7 Mayers, born October 06, 2000.

182 ii. Gage Mayers, born August 12, 2005.

85.  Annette M6 Mayers (John Glenn5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 16, 1973.  She married William Brown June 05, 2004.  He was born December 11, 1974.

Notes for Annette M Mayers:

Trisha, John and Joshua are Annette's children from previous relationships.

Notes for William Brown:

William has two children from a previous relationship.

Jordan Brown, born February 01, 1995 and

Hannah Brown, born March 27, 1999

Children of Annette Mayers and William Brown are:

+ 183 i. Trisha7 Guiterrez, born August 19, 1992.

184 ii. John Bustoz, born July 01, 1994; died December 16, 2017.

185 iii. Joshua Bustoz, born September 16, 1997.

86.  John G Mayers6 Jr (John Glenn5 Mayers, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born March 24, 1980.

Child of John G Mayers Jr is:

186 i. Paisley Fay7 Mayers, born November 04, 2010.

87.  Shara N6 Mayers (John Glenn5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 22, 1983.

Child of Shara N Mayers is:

187 i. Kennedy7 Ottwell, born June 08, 2008.

88.  Megan C6 Mayers (John Glenn5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 12, 1984.  She married Travis D'Amico January 16, 2009.  

Children of Megan Mayers and Travis D'Amico are:

188 i. Tristin7 D'Amico, born November 22.

189 ii. Emmy D'Amico, born November 15.

89.  Calvin Brent Vezinat6 Jr (Judy Claire5 Mayers, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 30, 1977.  He married Melissa Vezinat April 19, 2003.  She was born November 01, 1980.

Children of Calvin Jr and Melissa Vezinat are:

190 i. Christian7 Vezinat, born October 12, 2009.

191 ii. Drew Vezinat, born December 13, 2013.

90.  DaResha L6 Vezinat (Judy Claire5 Mayers, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 20, 1979.  She married Joshua Falgout July 27, 2015.  He was born September 26, 1975.

Notes for DaResha L Vezinat:

DaResha was married to Chris Murrell. They are now divorced.

Notes for Joshua Falgout:

Joshua has a child from a previous replationship.

Desiree Falgout - Born November 08, 2003.

Children of DaResha Vezinat and Joshua Falgout are:

192 i. Victoria7 Lambert, born May 11, 1996.

193 ii. Madisyn Murrell, born August 04, 2000.

194 iii. Ashliegh Murrell, born January 05, 2004.

195 iv. Noah Falgout, born September 25, 2015.

92.  Beth6 Boudreaux (John Barry5, Lawless Boudreaux4 Jr., Lawless3 Boudreaux, Sr., Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 14, 1980.  She married Steve McKnight May 25, 2002.  He was born March 01, 1977.

Children of Beth Boudreaux and Steve McKnight are:

196 i. Ashleigh7 McKnight, born January 22, 2008.

197 ii. Kimberly McKnight, born March 31, 2010.

198 iii. Miley McKnight, born August 22, 2013.

93.  James6 Boudreaux (Lawrence5, Gary4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 11, 1969.  He married Lisa Boudreaux.  

Children of James Boudreaux and Lisa Boudreaux are:

199 i. Brandon7 Boudreaux, born August 01, 1991.

200 ii. Ethan Boudreaux, born April 19, 1999.

94.  Andrea6 Boudreaux (Lawrence5, Gary4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 24, 1975.  She married Farrel LeCompte April 29, 2002.  

Child of Andrea Boudreaux and Farrel LeCompte is:

201 i. Makaila7 LeCompte, born November 11, 2004.

95.  Scott6 Boudreaux (Lawrence5, Gary4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born March 18, 1977.  He married Eve Borel August 2003.  

Children of Scott Boudreaux and Eve Borel are:

202 i. Madelyn7 Boudreaux, born March 09, 1999.

203 ii. Colin Boudreaux, born June 09, 2004.

204 iii. Ella Boudreaux, born June 07, 2006.

96.  Jeanne Elise6 Boudreaux (Irvin A5, Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 28, 1968.

Notes for Jeanne Elise Boudreaux:

Notes for Jeanne Boudreaux:

Jeanne was married to Matthew Saia, father of Joseph and Jonathan Saia. 

Children of Jeanne Elise Boudreaux are:

205 i. Joseph7 Saia, born April 30, 1990.

206 ii. Jonathan Saia, born January 07, 1993.

207 iii. Callie Boudreaux, born November 04, 2008.

97.  Dorian M6 Boudreaux (Irvin A5, Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 28, 1969.  She married Jerry Redden November 11, 1988.  He was born July 29, 1965.

Children of Dorian Boudreaux and Jerry Redden are:

208 i. Catherine7 Redden, born March 23, 1991.

209 ii. Victoria Redden, born July 02, 1992.

210 iii. Christian Redden, born November 06, 1999.

211 iv. Stephen W Redden, born February 16, 2005.

212 v. Alexandra Redden, born February 16, 2005.

98.  Jenee N6 Boudreaux (Irvin A5, Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 07, 1972.  She married Tim Wilkinson March 09, 2001.  He was born February 15, 1964.

Notes for Jenee N Boudreaux:

David J. Ratner is the father of Joshua. He and Jenee never married.

Children of Jenee Boudreaux and Tim Wilkinson are:

213 i. Joshua7 Ratner, born July 19, 1997.

Notes for Joshua Ratner:

Joshua was born six weeks early, and the neurologist from the Neuromedical Center had suggested he could very possibly have albinism. After our first visit with the pediatric ophthalmologist, he confirmed the neurologist was correct. Because of the lack of pigment, he will have low vision accompanied by other eye issues such as strabismus (crooked eyes) and nystagmus (where the eyes wiggle back and forth). Characteristics of oculocutaneous albinism include the white hair, pale skin, and those issues with the eye. A lot of people will comment on how cool his eyes look and how beautiful his hair is. And or course, they are. He has had surgery twice for the strabismus, and will continue to have surgeries as long as he needs them (approximately every 5 years). There isn't anything that can be done to correct the nystagmus. It occurs more when he is tired, but it doesn't hurt him when they wiggle more. He often has to bring his reading materials very close to his eyes, but that does not hurt him either. Bringing his reading materials close to his eyes is a necessity for him to read. The glare from the sunlight is also a big problem, which sunglasses can help a lot when he is outside. Along with the vision problems, he also has to be very careful with the UV rays. He cannot withstand long periods of UV rays without wearing sunscreen. He must be careful when outdoors for long periods. When we were told Joshua had albinism, there wasn't much out there for us to learn about. We have learned a lot on our own through a lot of trial and error. We also found info and guidance from a group called NOAH(National Organization of Albinism and Hypopigmentation). If anyone ever needs to know more, we would love to be able to help.

214 ii. Emily Wilkinson, born November 08, 2002.

215 iii. Cameron Wilkinson, born August 27, 2008.

216 iv. Benjamin A Wilkinson, born July 22, 2009.

99.  Danielle M6 Boudreaux (Irvin A5, Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 30, 1974, and died September 27, 2010.  She met David Bicknell.  

Notes for Danielle M Boudreaux:

Davdi Bicknell and Danielle were married then divorced.

Children of Danielle Boudreaux and David Bicknell are:

217 i. Samantha7 Boudreaux, born December 12, 1994.

218 ii. Morgan Bicknell, born December 29, 1996.

219 iii. Taylor Bicknell, born March 18, 2008.

101.  Harold Jason6 Burgett (Lynn A5 Boudreaux, Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 07, 1975.  He married Tisha Becnel May 30, 1997.  She was born May 11, 1977.

Children of Harold Burgett and Tisha Becnel are:

220 i. Owen M7 Burgett, born September 15, 2004.

221 ii. Aden J Burgett, born February 15, 2006.

103.  Toby Cohn6 Burgett (Lynn A5 Boudreaux, Marcus4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 17, 1977.  He married Amanda C Braud November 06, 2009.  She was born September 07, 1985.

Children of Toby Burgett and Amanda Braud are:

222 i. Ella A7 Burgett, born May 06, 2008.

223 ii. Egan Burgett, born May 23, 2011.

224 iii. Emil Burgett, born August 05, 2013.

105.  Chris6 Fontenot (Gloria5 Hernandez, Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 03, 1970.  He married Debbie Munson April 29, 1995.  She was born November 11, 1974.

Children of Chris Fontenot and Debbie Munson are:

225 i. Haley7 Fontenot, born October 04, 1998.

226 ii. Carley Fontenot, born July 15, 2001.

227 iii. Cade Fontenot, born October 22, 2008.

106.  Damon6 Molliere (Gloria5 Hernandez, Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 26, 1980.  He married Tasha Corley August 09, 2010.  She was born March 14, 1984.

Children of Damon Molliere and Tasha Corley are:

228 i. Blaiz7 Molliere, born April 29, 2010.

229 ii. Levi Molliere, born July 27, 2012.

230 iii. Rileigh Molliere, born July 30, 2016.

108.  Kayla6 Hernandez (Gerald5, Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 22, 1982.  She married Damon Reno October 03, 2014.  He was born December 30, 1981.

Child of Kayla Hernandez and Damon Reno is:

231 i. Brooks7 Reno, born August 11, 2016.

109.  Kelly6 Molliere (Gwenlyn5 Hernandez, Irma V Audrey4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 10, 1977.  He married Jodi Braud September 22, 2000.  She was born February 12, 1976.

Child of Kelly Molliere and Jodi Braud is:

232 i. Josie7 Molliere, born May 11, 2005.

111.  Darren6 Bourgeois (Brenda5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 22, 1969.

Child of Darren Bourgeois is:

233 i. Cory7 Bourgeois, born July 31, 1988.

112.  Sherry6 Bourgeois (Brenda5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 17, 1972.  She married Joey DeVeer March 20, 1998.  He was born February 07, 1973.

Notes for Sherry Bourgeois:

Sherry was married to Troy Smith, the Father of Ty. After their divorce she married Joey DeVeer.

Child of Sherry Bourgeois and Joey DeVeer is:

234 i. Ty7 Smith, born August 31, 1995.

113.  Jared6 Laiche (Beverly5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 24, 1979.  He married Kacie Laiche August 01, 2003.  She was born January 24, 1980.

Children of Jared Laiche and Kacie Laiche are:

235 i. Kelsee7 Laiche, born October 29, 2005.

236 ii. Cameron Laiche, born August 12, 2009.

114.  Stephen6 Johnson (Kathyrn5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 17, 1972.  He married Renee Mills June 01, 1997.  She was born June 05, 1971.

Notes for Stephen Johnson:

Stephen has a stepdaughter, Lauren. She was born October 9, 1995.

Lauren has a daughter, Kinleigh Jones born October 5, 2016.

Child of Stephen Johnson and Renee Mills is:

237 i. Zachary7 Johnson, born May 16, 1999.

115.  Michele6 Johnson (Kathyrn5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 31, 1974.  She married Michael Crawford September 25, 1992.  He was born January 17, 1972.

Children of Michele Johnson and Michael Crawford are:

+ 238 i. Blake7 Crawford, born July 25, 1993.

239 ii. Haylie Crawford, born March 19, 1996.

240 iii. Lindsey Crawford, born September 05, 2001.

116.  Jaci Frederic6 Marix (Juanita5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 29, 1981.

Children of Jaci Frederic Marix are:

241 i. Clayton7 Marix, born January 22, 2005.

242 ii. Cale Marix, born November 15, 2005.

117.  Julie6 Frederic (Juanita5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 24, 1983.  She married Scott Hitt July 18, 2007.  He was born August 13, 1977.

Notes for Julie Frederic:

Julie has a stepson and stepdaughter. Joey Hitt was born on November 5, 2001. Cheyenne Hitt born on July 13, 2004

Children of Julie Frederic and Scott Hitt are:

243 i. Braeson7 Hitt, born September 26, 2006.

244 ii. Kylan Hitt, born June 06, 2011.

120.  Megan6 Boudreaux (Daniel5, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 26, 1987.  She married David Starkey June 17, 2011.  He was born May 01, 1986.

Children of Megan Boudreaux and David Starkey are:

245 i. Grace7 Starkey, born May 07, 2014.

246 ii. Reid Starkey, born August 29, 2016.

124.  Chase6 Savoy (Dianne5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born June 02, 1989.  He married Lindsay Schexnayder July 12, 2013.  She was born June 06, 1990.

Children of Chase Savoy and Lindsay Schexnayder are:

247 i. Lathan7 Savoy, born June 10, 2014.

248 ii. Noelle Savoy, born March 03, 2016.

127.  Tiffanie Young6 Lemonds (Sharla5 Boudreaux, Alvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born February 16, 1980.  She married Nicholas Lemonds February 04, 2003.  He was born June 22, 1981.

Children of Tiffanie Lemonds and Nicholas Lemonds are:

249 i. Jenna Young7 Lemonds, born October 11, 1999.

250 ii. Harleigh Lemonds, born May 14, 2004.

251 iii. Gavin Lemonds, born August 10, 2005.

128.  Brittanie6 Young (Sharla5 Boudreaux, Alvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 18, 1984.  She married Travis Drago May 03, 2013.  He was born March 07, 1985.

Children of Brittanie Young and Travis Drago are:

252 i. Luca7 Drago, born January 28, 2014.

253 ii. Resa Drago, born June 12, 2016.

129.  Chet M6 Boudreaux (Calvin Joey Boudreaux5 Jr., Calvin4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 31, 1978.  He married Alana Amedee June 15, 2001.  She was born May 17, 1979.

Children of Chet Boudreaux and Alana Amedee are:

254 i. Will7 Boudreaux, born October 01, 2004.

255 ii. Wes Boudreaux, born May 09, 2006.

130.  Eric D6 Boudreaux (Calvin Joey Boudreaux5 Jr., Calvin4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born September 24, 1981.  He married Alyson Decoteau June 28, 2008.  She was born April 12, 1979.

Children of Eric Boudreaux and Alyson Decoteau are:

256 i. Keegan7 Boudreaux, born May 05, 2013.

257 ii. Khai Boudreaux, born February 03, 2015.

131.  Tate J6 Boudreaux (Kirk J5, Calvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 11, 1986.  He married Amanda Henne March 21, 2015.  She was born April 25, 1988.

Child of Tate Boudreaux and Amanda Henne is:

258 i. Graham James7 Boudreaux, born February 12, 2018.

134.  Jada M6 Boudreaux (Don M5, Calvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 28, 1991.  She married Kristopher Flurry November 21, 2015.  He was born May 28, 1988.

Child of Jada Boudreaux and Kristopher Flurry is:

259 i. Gibson Dennis7 Flurry, born March 01, 2018.

135.  Morgan E6 Boudreaux (Ted M5, Calvin4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born January 15, 1986.  She married Adam Thibodeaux March 11, 2011.  He was born April 17, 1986.

Children of Morgan Boudreaux and Adam Thibodeaux are:

260 i. Cohen7 Thibodeaux, born June 13, 2008.

261 ii. Nate Thibodeaux, born May 07, 2013.

262 iii. Millie Thibodeaux, born December 06, 2017.

138.  Devin6 Boudreaux (Gerald Dale5, Oakley4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born December 03, 1985.  He married Brittany Bringhurst June 06, 2009.  She was born January 14, 1986.

Children of Devin Boudreaux and Brittany Bringhurst are:

263 i. Brady7 Boudreaux, born July 18, 2010.

264 ii. Luke Boudreaux, born August 24, 2014.

265 iii. Emmie Boudreaux, born February 06, 2018.

Generation No. 5

149.  Brent7 Watkins (Donna6 Passero, Evelyn5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born May 11, 1984.  He married Anne Longman June 05, 2010.  She was born April 01, 1987.

Children of Brent Watkins and Anne Longman are:

266 i. Tyler8 Watkins, born July 02, 2007.

267 ii. Levi Watkins, born December 28, 2014.

268 iii. Grant Watkins, born August 22, 2016.

150.  Jessica M7 Calico (Darnell6 Passero, Evelyn5 Kling, Audrey Ulalie4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born October 30, 1984.  She married Amory Thomas.  He was born April 13, 1987.

Children of Jessica Calico and Amory Thomas are:

269 i. Olivia8 Seliey, born February 10, 2004.

270 ii. Amory Thomas, born August 01, 2013.

271 iii. Penelope Thomas, born February 03, 2015.

152.  Brandt J7 Daigle (Boyd T6, Wayne5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 21, 1984.  He married Kayla Veazey September 22, 2012.  She was born February 10, 1985.

Notes for Kayla Veazey:

Kayla had 3 children from a previous relationship.

Ethan Thomas Babin, Born October 06, 2003

Noah Craig Babin, Born April 29, 2010 

Zane Ross Babin, Born April 29, 2010 - Died April 29, 2010

Children of Brandt Daigle and Kayla Veazey are:

272 i. Ethan8 Daigle, born January 05, 2005.

273 ii. Emma Luella Daigle, born April 14, 2007.

153.  Bryce T7 Daigle (Boyd T6, Wayne5, Luella4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born November 25, 1990.  He met Chelsea Dencausse July 02, 2016.  

Child of Bryce Daigle and Chelsea Dencausse is:

274 i. Rylan8 Daigle, born June 27, 2013.

171.  Ryan7 Gautreau (Craig Joseph6, JoAnn Mayers5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 07, 1981.  He married Christy Lill October 17, 2006.  

Children of Ryan Gautreau and Christy Lill are:

275 i. Lilla8 Gautreau, born March 24, 2011.

276 ii. Flynn Gautreau, born March 27, 2013.

172.  Brynn7 Gautreau (Craig Joseph6, JoAnn Mayers5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born March 14, 1984.

Children of Brynn Gautreau are:

277 i. Kayne8 Gautreau, born November 21, 2003.

278 ii. Shane Aucoin Jr., born June 11, 2008.

183.  Trisha7 Guiterrez (Annette M6 Mayers, John Glenn5, Clara Belle4 Boudreaux, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born August 19, 1992.  She married Brian Elliot October 19, 2013.  He was born July 27, 1976.

Notes for Brian Elliot:

Brian has two children from from a previous relationship.

Haley Elliot, born December 05, 2002 and

Harrison Elliot, born January 08, 2007

Child of Trisha Guiterrez and Brian Elliot is:

279 i. Mason8 Elliot, born February 10, 2016.

238.  Blake7 Crawford (Michele6 Johnson, Kathyrn5 Boudreaux, Aubert4, Lawless3, Arsene2, Leufroy1) was born July 25, 1993.  He married Sarah Fox March 14, 2014.  She was born October 21, 1995.

Child of Blake Crawford and Sarah Fox is:

280 i. Carson8 Crawford, born November 09, 2016.


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